&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=6&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Beofore you read the story, see if you can match the following words to the correct definitions.

If you need help, read the story and try to guess the meaning from the context or consult the online dictionary.
&nitem=14&i14_testo=To shrink (v)&i14_cvalue=14&dz14=To reduce in size.&i13_testo=Turmeric (n)&i13_cvalue=13&dz13=A yellow spice made from the root of a plant used in Indian cooking.&i12_testo=To grimace (v)&i12_cvalue=12&dz12=To make an ugly or twisted face expressing pain or disgust or to cause laughter.&i11_testo=Quasi-cockney (adj)&i11_cvalue=11&dz11=Partly or almost London accent&i10_testo=To utter (v)&i10_cvalue=10&dz10=To make a sound &i9_testo=To long for something (v)&i9_cvalue=9&dz9=To have a strong desire for something&i8_testo=Garb (n)&i8_cvalue=8&dz8=Clothing worn by a particular person.&i7_testo=Diversity (n)&i7_cvalue=7&dz7=Variety; different kinds&i6_testo=Notion (n)&i6_cvalue=6&dz6=An idea or a belief&i5_testo=Hybridity (n)&i5_cvalue=5&dz5=A thing made by combining the elements of two things.&i4_testo=To be wary (v)&i4_cvalue=4&dz4=To be slightly afraid or worried about something&i3_testo=Synonymous (adj)&i3_cvalue=3&dz3=Having the same meaning as something else.&i2_testo=Skinhead (n)&i2_cvalue=2&dz2=A person, usually male, who has closely shaved hair.&i1_hint=&i1_testo=Irony (n)&i1_cvalue=1&dz1=A situation that seems deliberately the opposite of what you would expect and it is amusing as a result.&dimitem=2&ndropzone=14&