&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=3&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Read the poem again in more detail. Think about the ideas and themes the writer has raised.

Choose the correct answer. If you need help, click on the blue hint button.
&nitem=8&i8_hint=He wants to be able to 'walk into any temple' - to be accepted by everyone.&i8_cvalue=1&i8_risposta3=should not be open to other cultures&i8_risposta2=should stick to their own kind&i8_risposta1=should be free to be who they want to be&i8_nrisposte=3&i8_domanda=Benjamin thinks that people&i7_hint=He says it is his 'pornography'.&i7_cvalue=3&i7_risposta3=something which excites and interests Benjamin&i7_risposta2=inherently problematic&i7_risposta1=not very important to Benjamin&i7_nrisposte=3&i7_domanda=Diversity is&i6_cvalue=2&i6_risposta3=he lived in a field&i6_risposta2=he met a social worker&i6_risposta1=he went to Wales sunbathing&i6_nrisposte=3&i6_domanda=Benjamin only felt a little lost when&i5_hint=Benjamin is saying that people who draw attention to certain issues sometimes cause more problems than if they left the situation alone.&i5_cvalue=2&i5_risposta3=at football matches&i5_risposta2=trying to look back to the past to find their roots&i5_risposta1=crying&i5_nrisposte=3&i5_domanda=Many people who have a crisis about their identity spend their time&i4_hint=People who come from ethnic minorities often look back to their past generations to find out where they came from. &i4_cvalue=1&i4_risposta3=is a problem&i4_risposta2=is very difficult &i4_risposta1=is the same wherever you are&i4_nrisposte=3&i4_domanda=Benjamin thinks that being black&i3_hint=Many people might think of themselves as a vctim if they are different. Do you think Benjamin is worried about being 'different'?&i3_cvalue=3&i3_risposta3=he doesn't think he is a victim of circumstance&i3_risposta2=he doesn't know who he is&i3_risposta1=he thinks he is a victim of circumstance&i3_nrisposte=3&i3_domanda=Benjamin doesn't feel the need to attend workshops about identity because&i2_hint=He is stopped by 'officers of the law' and they want to know his name.&i2_cvalue=3&i2_risposta3=to check his documents&i2_risposta2=to have a chat&i2_risposta1=in order to have a cup of tea&i2_nrisposte=3&i2_domanda=Policemen often stop Benjamin &i1_hint=The common view is that people of mixed race parents or ethnic minorities have identity crises. Benjamin disagrees with this common viewpoint.&i1_cvalue=1&i1_risposta3=crazy&i1_risposta2=completely happy with himself&i1_risposta1=very confused about his identity&i1_nrisposte=3&i1_domanda=Benjamin states that the 'experts' think he should be:&