&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=6&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Read Stephen Foster's piece entitled Make mine a cheese and pickle again.

Underline all the unknown words and try to work out their meanings from the text. Then, match the meanings to the words below and click submit to see if you are correct.

If you make any mistakes, look up the words in a dictionary and then try the exercise again.
&nitem=10&i10_testo=Meat stew topped with mashed potato and baked in the oven&i10_cvalue=10&dz10=cottage pie&i9_testo=To draw facts from someone&i9_cvalue=9&dz9=to elicit&i8_testo=Protective clothing you wear while cooking&i8_cvalue=8&dz8=apron&i7_testo=To show pain or embarrassment by moving the muscles in the face a little&i7_cvalue=7&dz7=to wince&i6_testo=To change form or shape&i6_cvalue=6&dz6=to morph into something&i5_testo=Italian meat sauce for pasta&i5_cvalue=5&dz5=bolognese&i4_testo=Never changing; always&i4_cvalue=4&dz4=invariably&i3_testo=To surprise someone&i3_cvalue=3&dz3=to take someone aback&i2_testo=A quantity greater than is needed&i2_cvalue=2&dz2=plethora&i1_testo=A strong desire to know or learn&i1_cvalue=1&dz1=curiosity&dimitem=2&ndropzone=10&