&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_img=jamex1b.swf&nitem=9&gf_txt19= on Maria's computer.&gf_txt18=[!|is lying]&gf_txt17= Jeff if he has finished a client's web pages.
The cat &gf_txt16=[!|is asking]&gf_txt15= the telephone and she &gf_txt14=[!|is holding]&gf_txt13= to Maria.
Maria &gf_txt12=[!|is talking]&gf_txt11= a pen and he &gf_txt10=[!|is holding]&gf_txt9= in front of his computer. He &gf_txt8=[!|is sitting]&gf_txt7= some papers.
Jeff &gf_txt6=[!|is holding]&gf_txt5= across the office and she &gf_txt4=[!|is walking]&gf_txt3= two o'clock in the afternoon in the J@M office.
What is everybody doing?
Well, Alison &gf_txt2=[!|is]&gf_txt1=Look at the picture again and type the missing verbs in the spaces provided below.
It &item_8=17|469|480||is lying&item_7=15|400|412||is asking&item_6=13|363|376||is holding&item_5=11|331|344||is talking&item_4=9|303|316||is holding&item_3=7|259|272||is sitting&item_2=5|225|238||is holding&item_1=3|184|197||is walking&item_0=1|87|92||is&testo_pz=19&i9_hint=A verb which means to put your body in a flat resting position. Use the present continuous to show that the action is happening now.&i8_hint=A verb which means to question. Use the present continuous form to show that the action is happening now.&i7_hint=A verb which means to carry. Use the present continuous form to show that this action is happening now.&i6_hint=A verb which means to speak. Use the present continuous form to show it's an action happening now.&i5_hint=A verb which means to carry. Use the present continuous form to show the action is happening now.&i4_hint=A verb which means the opposite of stand. Use the present continuous form to show the action is happening now.&i3_hint=A verb which means to carry. Use the present continuous form to show that the action is happening now.&i2_hint=A verb which means to move on foot. Use the present continuous to show that the action is happening now.&i1_hint=Third person present simple form of 'to be'.&