&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Can you remember the questions Maria asked? Fill in the spaces below with the missing words and then click submit to see if your answers are correct.
Click the hint button to find out how many words are missing in each question.&nitem=5&gf_txt11=?
A. Yes, it is.&gf_txt10=[!|included in the price]&gf_txt9= certificate?
A. Yes, all students get a certificate.
Q. Is accomodation &gf_txt8=[!|I get a]&gf_txt7= in each group?
A. No more than eight.
Q. Will &gf_txt6=[!|many people are there]&gf_txt5= held?
A. In Manchester.
Q. How &gf_txt4=[!|will it be]&gf_txt3= start?
A. On Monday at 9 o'clock.
Q. Where &gf_txt2=[!|does the course]&gf_txt1=
Q. When &item_4=9|288|312||included in the price&item_3=7|201|211||I get a&item_2=5|126|150||many people are there&item_1=3|77|90||will it be&item_0=1|10|28||does the course&testo_pz=11&i5_hint=Four words are missing.&i4_hint=Three words are missing.&i3_hint=Four words are missing.&i2_hint=Three words are missing.&i1_hint=Three words are missing.&