&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Now look at the report that Alison has written for Sanjeev. Using Maria's report as a model, type in the missing words.
Click on the blue hint button if you need any help. Then click submit to find out if your answers are correct.&nitem=6&gf_txt13= designer and I am sure he will continue to grow and improve his skills in the future.
&gf_txt12=[!|competent]&gf_txt11= of working with a variety of clients and companies.
Finally, Sanjeev is a very &gf_txt10=[!|capable]&gf_txt9= and &gf_txt8=[!|creative]&gf_txt7= and he understands all aspects of design. He is &gf_txt6=[!|talented]&gf_txt5=.
Sanjeev has shown that he is very &gf_txt4=[!|enthusiastic]&gf_txt3= member of the J@M team. He works well alone or in teams and he is very &gf_txt2=[!|hardworking]&gf_txt1=Sanjeev Bhat is an extremely &item_5=11|339|351||competent&item_4=9|247|257||capable&item_3=7|230|241||creative&item_2=5|169|180||talented&item_1=3|116|131||enthusiastic&item_0=1|29|43||hardworking&testo_pz=13&i6_hint=A word that describes someone who is good at doing something practical.&i5_hint=A word to describe someone who is able to do something.&i4_hint=A word to describes someone who is able to create and develop original ideas.&i3_hint=A word to describe someone who has the natural ability to do something well.&i2_hint=A word to describe someone who is full of life and has a lot of energy.&i1_hint=A word to describe someone who works very hard.&