&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Mario is very unhapy with the service at J@M. He has written a letter of complaint to Alison, the Director. Read his letter and drag the correct words into the spaces.

If you need some help, click on the blue hint button. Then click submit to see if your answers are correct.

Yours sincerely

Mario&gf_txt18=[!|I look forward to hearing from you]&gf_txt17=.

&gf_txt16=[!|as soon as possible]&gf_txt15= and get back to me &gf_txt14=[!|look into this matter]&gf_txt13= for our office and we simply cannot allow such mistakes to occur.

I would like you to &gf_txt12=[!|a great deal of difficulty]&gf_txt11= our contract. It has caused &gf_txt10=[!|I am considering cancelling]&gf_txt9= about this situation and &gf_txt8=[!|extremely unhappy]&gf_txt7= and caused all our computers to crash.

I am &gf_txt6=[!|email system]&gf_txt5= for our new website. The email contained a virus which has attacked our &gf_txt4=[!|outlining the design details]&gf_txt3= about the service at J@M.

On Monday we received an email from you &gf_txt2=[!|I am writing to complain]&gf_txt1=Dear Alison

&item_8=17|574|611||I look forward to hearing from you&item_7=15|548|570||as soon as possible&item_6=13|503|527||look into this matter&item_5=11|385|414||a great deal of difficulty&item_4=9|325|355||I am considering cancelling&item_3=7|278|298||extremely unhappy&item_2=5|215|230||email system&item_1=3|110|141||outlining the design details&item_0=1|13|40||I am writing to complain&testo_pz=19&i9_hint=This is the most common way of ending a business letter in the UK.&i8_hint=Immediately&i7_hint=Find out what the problem is.&i6_hint=Many problems&i5_hint=If someone is thinking about doing something ....&i4_hint=This means you are definitely not very happy about something.&i3_hint=Electronic communication method&i2_hint=This phrase explains the content of the email from J@M.&i1_hint=We use this phrase to introduce the purpose of the letter.&