&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Can you remember the vocabulary from this episode?

Drag and drop the missing words into the correct spaces then click submit to see if your answers are correct.
&nitem=6&gf_txt13= are going up.
&gf_txt12=[!|interest rates]&gf_txt11= and &gf_txt10=[!|loan]&gf_txt9=.
Jeff and Maria: Oh no!
Sanjeev: What did Mario say? Is he going to cancel?
Alison: No, he isn't. But we can't make any more mistakes. We've got a huge bank &gf_txt8=[!|go bankrupt]&gf_txt7= the bank some money, but we've got lots of business.
Maria: Not if Mario cancels his contract after you sent him that virus.
Alison: The situation is very tight. Without Mario's contract we could &gf_txt6=[!|owes]&gf_txt5= a lot of money to buy that new software.
Jeff: OK. J@M &gf_txt4=[!|borrow]&gf_txt3=.
Maria: I'm not so sure. remember Alison had to &gf_txt2=[!|profit]&gf_txt1=Jeff: J@M must be making a big &item_5=11|547|564||interest rates&item_4=9|534|541||loan&item_3=7|361|375||go bankrupt&item_2=5|156|163||owes&item_1=3|90|99||borrow&item_0=1|31|40||profit&testo_pz=13&