&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Read Sanjeev's life story again and put the missing words in the spaces.
If you need some help, click on the blue button for a hint. Then click submit to see if your answers are correct.&nitem=6&gf_txt13= at the Philip Brown agency.&gf_txt12=[!|landed his first job]&gf_txt11= in multimedia technology.
Finally he &gf_txt10=[!|got a degree]&gf_txt9=.
He met an old friend who recommended a career in web design, so he went back to college and &gf_txt8=[!|make ends meet]&gf_txt7= as an artist as many people liked his paintings.
Unfortunately, after three years, he gave up trying to make a living as an artist as he couldn't &gf_txt6=[!|make a living]&gf_txt5= in fine art.
After he graduated, he tried to &gf_txt4=[!|got a degree]&gf_txt3= drawing and painting.
Then he went to art school and &gf_txt2=[!|spent a lot of time]&gf_txt1=When Sanjeev was a child, he &item_5=11|505|528||landed his first job&item_4=9|450|465||got a degree&item_3=7|337|354||make ends meet&item_2=5|171|187||make a living&item_1=3|108|123||got a degree&item_0=1|29|51||spent a lot of time&testo_pz=13&i6_hint=To be successful and get a job.&i5_hint=To graduate.&i4_hint=To earn enough money to pay for everything you need in your daily life.&i3_hint=To earn money to live on.&i2_hint=To graduate.&i1_hint=To use time for a purpose.&