&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Sally Mackenzie is the web site manager of HOOBALOO. She has offered Sanjeev a job. Read her letter to Sanjeev and type in the missing words.
If you need help, click the blue hint button and then click submit to see if your answers are correct.
&i6_hint=This means pleased or thankful.&i5_hint=The opposite of unfriendly.&i4_hint=When you work with energy and care you work ......&i3_hint=A sum of money you get when you work extra hours, or if the company is very successful.&i2_hint=This is an adjective. It means it is as good or better than others.&i1_hint=This is a verb.&gf_txt13= if you could give us your decision as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Sally McKenzie&gf_txt12=[!|grateful]&gf_txt11= company which employs over 100 staff members. I am sure you would enjoy working with us.
We would be &gf_txt10=[!|friendly]&gf_txt9=.
HOOBALOO is a large and &gf_txt8=[!|hard]&gf_txt7= for staff who work &gf_txt6=[!|bonuses]&gf_txt5=. We also offer extra &gf_txt4=[!|competitive]&gf_txt3= you the job of Website Designer starting from 2 January 2003.
The terms and conditions are attached, but I am sure you will find the salary very &gf_txt2=[!|offer]&gf_txt1=Dear Sanjeev Bhat
As a result of our meeting last week at HOOBALOO, we would like to &testo_pz=13&item_5=11|462|473||grateful&item_4=9|346|357||friendly&item_3=7|311|318||hard&item_2=5|280|290||bonuses&item_1=3|242|256||competitive&item_0=1|86|94||offer&nitem=6&