&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=6&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Alison and Maria were discussing a client who hasn't paid his bill. They used lots of expressions relating to money.

Match the definitions to the words and then click submit to see if you got the answers right.
&nitem=8&i8_testo=bill&i8_cvalue=8&dz8=A piece of paper that shows how much you owe somebody.&i7_testo=to owe money to someone&i7_cvalue=7&dz7=To have to return money to someone.&i6_testo=to live beyond your means&i6_cvalue=6&dz6=To spend more money than you earn.&i5_testo=bankrupt&i5_cvalue=5&dz5=Without enough money to pay what you owe.&i4_testo=to be broke&i4_cvalue=4&dz4=To have no money.&i3_testo=debtor&i3_cvalue=3&dz3=Someone who owes money.&i2_testo=to borrow money&i2_cvalue=2&dz2=To take money from someone that you will return later.&i1_testo=to earn&i1_cvalue=1&dz1=To get money in exchange for work.&dimitem=1&ndropzone=8&