&vsize=200&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Can you remember how Jeff and Sanjeev are progressing at work?

Read these two summaries and drag the correct words to the spaces. Scroll down so you can see the whole exercise. Click submit to find out if your answers are correct.


&gf_txt10=[!|early]&gf_txt9= of schedule. Alison is extremely pleased that he is going to finish &gf_txt8=[!|ahead]&gf_txt7=.

Sanjeev is working on the bridal site. It is going very well. In fact, he's &gf_txt6=[!|target]&gf_txt5=. Alison is pleased that he is on &gf_txt4=[!|time]&gf_txt3= schedule, but now he thinks the website will be ready on &gf_txt2=[!|behind]&gf_txt1=Jeff
Jeff has been working very hard on the Alpha records project. At first he was &testo_pz=11&item_4=9|374|382||early&item_3=7|294|302||ahead&item_2=5|195|204||target&item_1=3|152|159||time&item_0=1|84|93||behind&nitem=5&