&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are the names of the athletes, repeated 4 times. Below are questions about the texts, the answers to which are the names of the athletes. The first time you use an athlete's name, select the one with the number (1) next to it, the second time the number (2), etc. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt41=&gf_txt40=[!|Milo (4)]&gf_txt39=
20. Which athlete won most times at the ancient Olympics? &gf_txt38=[!|Melankomas (4)]&gf_txt37=
19. Which athlete won by not fighting? &gf_txt36=[!|Theagenes (4)]&gf_txt35=
18. Which athlete was almost killed when he was a child? &gf_txt34=[!|Melankomas (3)]&gf_txt33=
17. Which athlete was the best looking? &gf_txt32=[!|Polydamas (4)]&gf_txt31=
16. Which athlete was supposedly very tall. &gf_txt30=[!|Diagoras (4)]&gf_txt29=
15. Which athlete was claimed to be of heavenly origin? &gf_txt28=[!|Polydamas (3)]&gf_txt27=
14. Which athlete was responsible for a three-footed animal? &gf_txt26=[!|Diagoras (3)]&gf_txt25=
13. Which athlete was feted as being humble? &gf_txt24=[!|Theagenes (3)]&gf_txt23=
12. Which athlete was a very good runner? &gf_txt22=[!|Milo (3)]&gf_txt21=
11. Which athlete was eaten alive? &gf_txt20=[!|Polydamas (2)]&gf_txt19=
10. Which athlete was compared to a hero that he imitated? &gf_txt18=[!|Diagoras (2)]&gf_txt17=
9. Which athlete was as famous for his character as he was for his athletic achievements? &gf_txt16=[!|Theagenes (2)]&gf_txt15=
8. Which athlete was accused of being a bad sport? &gf_txt14=[!|Melankomas (2)]&gf_txt13=
7. Which athlete trained the hardest? &gf_txt12=[!|Milo (2)]&gf_txt11=
6. Which athlete saved his friends' lives? &gf_txt10=[!|Diagoras (1)]&gf_txt9=
5. Which athlete passed on his skills to his heirs? &gf_txt8=[!|Milo (1)]&gf_txt7=
4. Which athlete liked to show off to his friends? &gf_txt6=[!|Theagenes (1)]&gf_txt5=
3. Which athlete killed an opponent even after he was dead? &gf_txt4=[!|Polydamas (1)]&gf_txt3=
2. Which athlete died because he thought himself stronger than he really was? &gf_txt2=[!|Melankomas (1)]&gf_txt1=1. Which athlete didn't join the army because he believed sport needed more courage? &testo_pz=41&item_19=39|1411|1422||Milo (4)&item_18=37|1334|1351||Melankomas (4)&item_17=35|1277|1293||Theagenes (4)&item_16=33|1201|1218||Melankomas (3)&item_15=31|1143|1159||Polydamas (4)&item_14=29|1082|1097||Diagoras (4)&item_13=27|1008|1024||Polydamas (3)&item_12=25|930|945||Diagoras (3)&item_11=23|867|883||Theagenes (3)&item_10=21|812|823||Milo (3)&item_9=19|759|775||Polydamas (2)&item_8=17|683|698||Diagoras (2)&item_7=15|575|591||Theagenes (2)&item_6=13|505|522||Melankomas (2)&item_5=11|454|465||Milo (2)&item_4=9|394|409||Diagoras (1)&item_3=7|329|340||Milo (1)&item_2=5|260|276||Theagenes (1)&item_1=3|182|198||Polydamas (1)&item_0=1|85|102||Melankomas (1)&nitem=20&