&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=See if you can match each of the words at the top with the correct sentences below. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt17= something, we express an opinion on it.
&gf_txt16=[!|judge]&gf_txt15= watching him.
8. When we &gf_txt14=[!|audience]&gf_txt13= on who wins.
7. As Dan went on stage, there were five hundred people in the &gf_txt12=[!|agree]&gf_txt11= in the newspaper or online.
6. Usually, judges in an award have to &gf_txt10=[!|critic]&gf_txt9= was really loud!
5. When I want to know if a film or a record is good, I often go and read an article by a good &gf_txt8=[!|applause]&gf_txt7= is - it's difficult to think about all the good things I have done in my life.
4. When the band came onto the stage of the stadium, there were 10,000 people there, all clapping and cheering. The &gf_txt6=[!|achievement]&gf_txt5= for their favourite artists by sending text messages or emails.
3. I'm not sure what my greatest &gf_txt4=[!|vote]&gf_txt3=.
2. In an awards competition, often members of the public are asked to &gf_txt2=[!|lyrics]&gf_txt1=1. I think that Dylan Roberts is a poet, not just a singer. He writes such great words, more than typical song &testo_pz=17&item_7=15|839|847||judge&item_6=13|801|812||audience&item_5=11|715|723||agree&item_4=9|637|646||critic&item_3=7|512|523||applause&item_2=5|300|314||achievement&item_1=3|194|201||vote&item_0=1|112|121||lyrics&nitem=8&