&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Complete the text by typing a form of the word in each (round bracket) into the gap after it. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers. &gf_txt13= talks on studying in Northern Ireland.&gf_txt12=[!|informal]&gf_txt11= playwright Joshua Sobol and his Irish counterpart, Colin Teevan and (formal) &gf_txt10=[!|celebrated]&gf_txt9= of films made in or about Northern Ireland, theatre workshops with Israeli's (celebrate) &gf_txt8=[!|screenings]&gf_txt7= in art's transformative power. Over the coming month resonances between the two cultures will be explored through a range of activities in Israel including artists and curators' talks, (screen) &gf_txt6=[!|belief]&gf_txt5= of culture that emerges from extreme situations. In both one discovers a community of artists driven by an existentialist impulse to reflect on these realities though art and a (believe) &gf_txt4=[!|richness]&gf_txt3= of conflict, Israel and Northern Ireland share a (rich) &gf_txt2=[!|reality]&gf_txt1=Bound together by the harsh (real) &testo_pz=13&item_5=11|704|715||informal&item_4=9|612|625||celebrated&item_3=7|508|521||screenings&item_2=5|303|312||belief&item_1=3|103|114||richness&item_0=1|35|45||reality&nitem=6&