&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=13&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=After reading the text "The Birth of a Star", put the following events in the order they appear in the story. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&i1_riga7=They decide on a name for the baby.&i1_riga6=The baby moves inside Anna.&i1_riga5=Henry feels really worried about his new responsibilities.&i1_riga4=They see an image of the baby for the first time.&i1_riga3=Henry changes what he usually thinks about.&i1_riga2=Anna gives Henry some news.&i1_riga1=Henry thinks he sees the beginning of a new star.&i1_dim1=1&i1_nrighe=7&nitem=1&