&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Before reading the text, see if you can put the words in the box at the top into the correct spaces below. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&nitem=12&gf_txt25=is when you say that something is like something else.

&gf_txt24=[!|metaphor]&gf_txt23=City's half of the field, despite strong defence.
12. A &gf_txt22=[!|invade]&gf_txt21=is the frontier between two countries or regions.
11. In the second half of the match, United started to &gf_txt20=[!|border]&gf_txt19=by that man who kept on shouting all the time. He made me fel really angry.
10. A &gf_txt18=[!|irritated]&gf_txt17=by football - he can't think or talk about anything else.
9. I found myself getting &gf_txt16=[!|obsessed]&gf_txt15=to studying English - he spent eight hours every day doing it!
8. My brother is completely &gf_txt14=[!|dedicated]&gf_txt13=the answers to lots of difficult problems in her head.
7. Andre was totally &gf_txt12=[!|calculate]&gf_txt11=on all kinds of games, he knows all about them.
6. She was very good at maths - she could &gf_txt10=[!|expert]&gf_txt9=of cereal for breakfast - you can't eat cornflakes from a plate!
5. He's an &gf_txt8=[!|bowl]&gf_txt7=, not at all rough after it had been cleaned.
4. I always have a &gf_txt6=[!|smooth]&gf_txt5=.
3. The surface of the table was perfectly &gf_txt4=[!|rectangular]&gf_txt3=is an adjective to describe something made of wood.
2. When somethng has the shape of a rectangle, it is &gf_txt2=[!|Wooden]&gf_txt1=1. &item_11=23|1001|1012||metaphor&item_10=21|935|944||invade&item_9=19|820|829||border&item_8=17|725|737||irritated&item_7=15|629|640||obsessed&item_6=13|525|537||dedicated&item_5=11|436|448||calculate&item_4=9|336|345||expert&item_3=7|252|259||bowl&item_2=5|177|186||smooth&item_1=3|118|132||rectangular&item_0=1|3|12||Wooden&testo_pz=25&