&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Below are 10 idioms that use parts of the body. Here's a clue: we've started at the top of the body and worked down! Can you type the right item in each gap? When you've finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.
10. My new boss is rather demanding. But she keeps me on my &gf_txt18=[!|feet]&gf_txt17= - he's only joking!
9. She didn't marry him in the end. She got cold &gf_txt16=[!|leg]&gf_txt15=.
8. He's just pulling your &gf_txt14=[!|elbow]&gf_txt13= and a leg.
7. She's not going out with him anymore. She's given him the &gf_txt12=[!|arm]&gf_txt11= of the woods - she was born in the next street!
6. It was really expensive - it cost an &gf_txt10=[!|neck]&gf_txt9= are sealed.
5. She's from my &gf_txt8=[!|lips]&gf_txt7= for your mobile. It's much cheaper at the Phone Shop.
4. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. My &gf_txt6=[!|nose]&gf_txt5= out.
3. You've paid through the &gf_txt4=[!|eyes]&gf_txt3= down.
2. He was so upset at the news. He cried his &gf_txt2=[!|hair]&gf_txt1=1. I went to a great party last night. I really let my &testo_pz=21&item_9=19|674|681||toes&item_8=17|602|609||feet&item_7=15|523|529||leg&item_6=13|485|493||elbow&item_5=11|403|409||arm&item_4=9|305|312||neck&item_3=7|266|273||lips&item_2=5|160|167||nose&item_1=3|118|125||eyes&item_0=1|56|63||hair&nitem=10&