&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Below is a summary of the story, but there are 9 pieces of information missing. Can you type the missing information into the gaps? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt19= it for a lot of money.&gf_txt18=[!|sell]&gf_txt17= waiting for him. They have come to pick up the valuable instrument. They thank Hobbes-Smith. He got the instrument into Britain. Now they can &gf_txt16=[!|his father/the owner]&gf_txt15= to import and export antique musical instruments without declaring them. But he is lucky and nobody stops him.
When he gets home, however, he finds the player and &gf_txt14=[!|illegal]&gf_txt13= for the instrument, and Hobbes-Smith takes it back to Britain with him.
He is very nervous about getting through customs because it is &gf_txt12=[!|£250/two hundred and fifty pounds]&gf_txt11=. The owner accepts &gf_txt10=[!|father]&gf_txt9=. He decides to try and buy it from its owner, the player's &gf_txt8=[!|violin]&gf_txt7=. While he's there he sees an example of an extremely rare type of &gf_txt6=[!|Italy]&gf_txt5= festival in Ischia, an island off the coast of &gf_txt4=[!|music]&gf_txt3= to go to a &gf_txt2=[!|Oxford]&gf_txt1=An antiques expert, Geoffrey Hobbes-Smith, leaves his home in &testo_pz=19&item_8=17|837|844||sell&item_7=15|669|692||his father/the owner&item_6=13|492|502||illegal&item_5=11|317|353||£250/two hundred and fifty pounds&item_4=9|287|296||father&item_3=7|217|226||violin&item_2=5|141|149||Italy&item_1=3|84|92||music&item_0=1|62|71||Oxford&nitem=9&