&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are some words related to music. Do you know what they all mean? They can also go with other words to make idioms. Can you put the right item(s) in each gap below? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&nitem=5&gf_txt11=. &gf_txt10=[!|tune (2)]&gf_txt9=.
5. Listen! I'm in charge here! I make all the decisions. I pay, so I call the &gf_txt8=[!|trumpet]&gf_txt7=.
4. Oh no. Jerry's talking about himself again. He thinks he's so good at everything and then tells everybody about it. I'm fed up with listening to him blow his own &gf_txt6=[!|bow]&gf_txt5= about it!
3. She's a clever girl. She speaks French fluently, and now she wants to learn Chinese. Good on her! I firmly believe in people having more than one string to their &gf_txt4=[!|song and dance]&gf_txt3=.
2. Look there's no need to get upset! I know I was late and we missed the plane and I'm sorry. But don't scream and shout and carry on. There's no point in making a &gf_txt2=[!|tune (1)]&gf_txt1=1. Since I met Gary I've been so happy. We get on so well together - it's weird! We always understand each other. I know what he's thinking all the time. We're really in &item_4=9|814|825||tune (2)&item_3=7|722|732||trumpet&item_2=5|547|553||bow&item_1=3|351|368||song and dance&item_0=1|170|181||tune (1)&testo_pz=11&