&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 15 words. Below are the definitions of these words, with gaps. Drag the words from the top into the gaps. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt31= (v): to make a very small hole or holes in the surface of something, sometimes in a way which causes pain.&gf_txt30=[!|prick]&gf_txt29= (adj): slow and awkward because of being very heavy or large.
15. &gf_txt28=[!|ponderous]&gf_txt27= (n): books with pictures in it.
14. &gf_txt26=[!|pitcher (picture) book]&gf_txt25= (v): to be in a high position or in a position near the edge of something.
13. &gf_txt24=[!|perch]&gf_txt23= (n): a device consisting of a weight on a stick or thread which moves from one side to the other, especially one which forms a part of some types of clocks.
12. &gf_txt22=[!|pendulum]&gf_txt21= (n): a covered litter carried on poles on the shoulders of four or more bearers, formerly used in eastern Asia.
11. &gf_txt20=[!|palanquin]&gf_txt19= (v): to push something or someone gently to attract their attention.
10. &gf_txt18=[!|nudge]&gf_txt17= (v): to move in an irregular way, especially making sudden movements backwards or forwards or from side to side.
9. &gf_txt16=[!|lurch]&gf_txt15= (v): to look at someone in an unpleasant and sexually interested way.
8. &gf_txt14=[!|leer]&gf_txt13= (n): the top surface of the upper part of the legs of a person who is sitting down.
7. &gf_txt12=[!|lap]&gf_txt11= (v): to (cause something or someone to) move suddenly and violently.
6. &gf_txt10=[!|jolt]&gf_txt9= (v): to put someone in a state of hypnosis.
5. &gf_txt8=[!|hypnotise]&gf_txt7= (v): to walk in an awkward way, usually because the feet or legs are injured.
4. &gf_txt6=[!|hobble]&gf_txt5= (n): a piece of equipment, with straps and fastenings, used to control or hold in place a person, animal or object.
3. &gf_txt4=[!|harness]&gf_txt3= (v): to take a short quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain or shock.
2. &gf_txt2=[!|gasp]&gf_txt1=1. &testo_pz=31&item_14=29|1402|1410||prick&item_13=27|1322|1334||ponderous&item_12=25|1259|1284||pitcher (picture) book&item_11=23|1170|1178||perch&item_10=21|996|1007||pendulum&item_9=19|866|878||palanquin&item_8=17|783|791||nudge&item_7=15|657|665||lurch&item_6=13|575|582||leer&item_5=11|480|486||lap&item_4=9|399|406||jolt&item_3=7|338|350||hypnotise&item_2=5|246|255||hobble&item_1=3|115|125||harness&item_0=1|3|10||gasp&nitem=15&