&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 15 words. Below are the definitions of these words. Can you match the words and their definitions? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers. You can follow the link to the dictionary, but there is no other help for this activity.&gf_txt31= means "changing in behaviour; not staying the same".&gf_txt30=[!|Inconsistent]&gf_txt29= is to do something that is expected, hoped for or promised.
15. &gf_txt28=[!|fulfil]&gf_txt27= is an act of finishing something successfully or achieving something.
14. To &gf_txt26=[!|accomplishment]&gf_txt25= is to fall very quickly and suddenly.
13. A/an &gf_txt24=[!|plummet]&gf_txt23= is to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant.
12. To &gf_txt22=[!|venture]&gf_txt21= is to suddenly understand or know something.
11. To &gf_txt20=[!|twig]&gf_txt19= is a written agreement that legally removes someone's responsibility.
10. To &gf_txt18=[!|waiver]&gf_txt17= means "in a way that happens or is done too soon, esp. before the natural or desired time".
9. A/an &gf_txt16=[!|Prematurely]&gf_txt15= is to fall suddenly forward, down or into something.
8. &gf_txt14=[!|plunge]&gf_txt13= is to speak, esp. in a high voice and suddenly.
7. To &gf_txt12=[!|pipe up]&gf_txt11= is to return to where you came from.
6. To &gf_txt10=[!|backtrack]&gf_txt9= is somebody who looks for feelings of extreme excitement.
5. To &gf_txt8=[!|thrill-seeker]&gf_txt7= is a narrow shelf which sticks out from a vertical surface.
4. A/an &gf_txt6=[!|ledge]&gf_txt5= is a high area of rock with a very steep side, often on a coast.
3. A/an &gf_txt4=[!|cliff]&gf_txt3= means "unable to move".
2. A/an &gf_txt2=[!|Paralysed]&gf_txt1=1. &testo_pz=31&item_14=29|1081|1096||Inconsistent&item_13=27|1006|1015||fulfil&item_12=25|910|927||accomplishment&item_11=23|851|861||plummet&item_10=21|747|757||venture&item_9=19|686|693||twig&item_8=17|598|607||waiver&item_7=15|482|496||Prematurely&item_6=13|415|424||plunge&item_5=11|349|359||pipe up&item_4=9|292|304||backtrack&item_3=7|210|226||thrill-seeker&item_2=5|132|140||ledge&item_1=3|49|57||cliff&item_0=1|3|15||Paralysed&nitem=15&