&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 16 words. Below are 16 sentences with gaps in them. Can you put the words in the correct gaps? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&nitem=16&gf_txt33= about a loan. (enquiry/inquiry)&gf_txt32=[!|enquiry]&gf_txt31= moment, ladies and gentlemen - it is the first time this has ever been done. (historic/historical)
16. We went to the bank to make an &gf_txt30=[!|historic]&gf_txt29=. (priceless/valueless)
15. This is a &gf_txt28=[!|valueless]&gf_txt27= in a secondary school. (teacher/professor)
14. You've been tricked! That vase is totally &gf_txt26=[!|teacher]&gf_txt25= he has become a saint. (actually/now)
13. I'd hate to work as a &gf_txt24=[!|now]&gf_txt23= more than 20 banks before they got caught. (stole/robbed)
12. For many years he was a bad man, but &gf_txt22=[!|robbed]&gf_txt21= - she listens to what I have to say and accepts my opinions. (comprehensive/understanding)
11. The two thieves &gf_txt20=[!|understanding]&gf_txt19= for many hours every day. (practise/practice)
10. My sister is very &gf_txt18=[!|practise]&gf_txt17= into the matter. (enquiry/inquiry)
9. An Olympic athlete must &gf_txt16=[!|inquiry]&gf_txt15= society meets on the first Tuesday of each month. (historic/historical)
8. The minister has ordered an official &gf_txt14=[!|historical]&gf_txt13= some books from a shop. (stole/robbed)
7. The &gf_txt12=[!|stole]&gf_txt11=. (priceless/valueless)
6. He &gf_txt10=[!|priceless]&gf_txt9= at the university. (teacher/professor)
5. It is the biggest diamond in the world, and so is &gf_txt8=[!|professor]&gf_txt7= in the country at the time? (actually/now)
4. She works as a &gf_txt6=[!|actually]&gf_txt5= - it deals with all of the issues. (comprehensive/understanding)
3. Was she &gf_txt4=[!|comprehensive]&gf_txt3= yet? (practise/practice)
2. The report is very &gf_txt2=[!|practice]&gf_txt1=1. Have you done your piano &item_15=31|1376|1386||enquiry&item_14=29|1228|1239||historic&item_13=27|1176|1188||valueless&item_12=25|1074|1084||teacher&item_11=23|1001|1007||now&item_10=21|890|899||robbed&item_9=19|760|776||understanding&item_8=17|678|689||practise&item_7=15|602|612||inquiry&item_6=13|473|486||historical&item_5=11|415|423||stole&item_4=9|370|382||priceless&item_3=7|262|274||professor&item_2=5|186|197||actually&item_1=3|90|106||comprehensive&item_0=1|29|40||practice&testo_pz=33&