&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=In the box at the top are the second halves of the sentences below. Can you match the two halves of the sentences? Click "Submit" to check your answers.&nitem=5&gf_txt11=.&gf_txt10=[!|it could even be a therapeutic tool]&gf_txt9=.
5. The system's creator thinks &gf_txt8=[!|in decisions about changing their environment]&gf_txt7=.
4. The system can get people involved &gf_txt6=[!|to keep track of where you are on earth]&gf_txt5=.
3. It combines with satellite technology &gf_txt4=[!|the levels of sweat you produce]&gf_txt3=.
2. It works by detecting changes in &gf_txt2=[!|your emotional reaction to people and places]&gf_txt1=

1. Bio Mapping is a way of measuring &item_4=9|368|406||it could even be a therapeutic tool&item_3=7|286|334||in decisions about changing their environment&item_2=5|203|245||to keep track of where you are on earth&item_1=3|125|159||the levels of sweat you produce&item_0=1|39|86||your emotional reaction to people and places&testo_pz=11&