&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 8 numbers that appear in the text. Below are descriptions of what these numbers refer to. Can you match the numbers and descriptions? When you have finished, click on "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt17=


8. The number of people that the company employs &gf_txt14=[!|50,000]&gf_txt13=

7. The number of tonnes of the new fuel that the company produces every year &gf_txt12=[!|40,000,000]&gf_txt11=

6. The number of litres of oil that are saved every year because of the new fuel &gf_txt10=[!|20]&gf_txt9=

5. How much cheaper the new fuel is (as a percentage) compared to oil &gf_txt8=[!|150,000]&gf_txt7=

4. The number of tonnes of carbon dioxide that companies are not putting into the atmosphere because of the new fuel &gf_txt6=[!|10,000,000]&gf_txt5=

3. The amount of money (in pounds) that the company spent researching the new fuel &gf_txt4=[!|10,000]&gf_txt3=

2. The number of extra houses that can now be heated because of the new fuel &gf_txt2=[!|1,500,000]&gf_txt1=1. The number of miles the company now saves every year because they don't have to transport so much waste wood around the country &testo_pz=17&item_7=15|777|783||900&item_6=13|716|725||50,000&item_5=11|623|636||40,000,000&item_4=9|534|539||20&item_3=7|451|461||150,000&item_2=5|318|331||10,000,000&item_1=3|223|232||10,000&item_0=1|131|143||1,500,000&nitem=8&