&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Complete the sentences below by dragging the words at the top into the gaps. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt17= brain activity when we are sleeping.&gf_txt16=[!|map]&gf_txt15= on dream diaries shows that dreams are connected to real life.
8. Nowadays, scientists can &gf_txt14=[!|research]&gf_txt13= like language.
7. Recent &gf_txt12=[!|skills]&gf_txt11=
6. Children learn to dream in the same way that they learn other &gf_txt10=[!|compensate]&gf_txt9= if they don't dream.
5. If we miss some REM sleep one night we have more the next night to &gf_txt8=[!|ill-effects]&gf_txt7= in the brain need exercise.
4. People don't have any &gf_txt6=[!|pathways]&gf_txt5= from the day's events.
3. One theory is that the &gf_txt4=[!|rubbish]&gf_txt3= your dreams, you can sometimes find the answers to your problems.
2. When we dream our brain might be clearing out the &gf_txt2=[!|analyse]&gf_txt1=1. If you &testo_pz=17&item_7=15|595|601||map&item_6=13|491|502||research&item_5=11|455|464||skills&item_4=9|375|388||compensate&item_3=7|268|282||ill-effects&item_2=5|202|213||pathways&item_1=3|141|151||rubbish&item_0=1|10|20||analyse&nitem=8&