&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Before reading "Elephants, Bananas and Aunty Ethel", check your vocabulary by placing the words at the top into the correct sentences at the bottom. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&nitem=10&gf_txt21= water.

&gf_txt20=[!|turns into]&gf_txt19=
10. When ice melts it &gf_txt18=[!|escape]&gf_txt17= about horror movies!
9. The prisoners climbed over the wall of the jail to &gf_txt16=[!|crazy]&gf_txt15= really friendly at first, but when you know her well you realise that she's not nice at all!
8. She's absolutely &gf_txt14=[!|seems]&gf_txt13=
7. She's a person who &gf_txt12=[!|stress]&gf_txt11= and unusual.
6. People who work too much and don't relax enough can suffer from &gf_txt10=[!|strange]&gf_txt9=- then I send them to movie producers and hope that they can find the actors, the director and the money!
5. It's very difficult to understand what dreams mean because many of them are so &gf_txt8=[!|filmscripts]&gf_txt7= around 7.30, but later at weekends.
4. I write &gf_txt6=[!|get up]&gf_txt5= at around six thirty, but stay in bed for ten minutes after that.
3. I usually &gf_txt4=[!|wake up]&gf_txt3= it wasn't as easy as I thought!
2. I &gf_txt2=[!|realised]&gf_txt1=1. At first I thought this exercise was easy, but then, after doing it, I &item_9=19|843|856||turns into&item_8=17|809|818||escape&item_7=15|724|732||crazy&item_6=13|601|609||seems&item_5=11|568|577||stress&item_4=9|476|486||strange&item_3=7|273|287||filmscripts&item_2=5|215|224||get up&item_1=3|124|134||wake up&item_0=1|74|85||realised&testo_pz=21&