&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Below are sentences from the text, with gaps. Can you type the missing words in the correct gaps? There is only one word for each gap. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt25=.&gf_txt24=[!|term]&gf_txt23=.
12. It'll be fantastic for tourism, and not only in the short &gf_txt22=[!|map]&gf_txt21= of what we did with Expo 98.
11. It's going to be a great success and put our country on the &gf_txt20=[!|proud]&gf_txt19= stadium cost about 40 million euros.
10 I'm really &gf_txt18=[!|cheapest]&gf_txt17= into the design of the stadium.
9. The &gf_txt16=[!|landscape]&gf_txt15= for welcoming foreigners.
8. I really like the way they've integrated the &gf_txt14=[!|reputation]&gf_txt13=.
7. We have a &gf_txt12=[!|enthusiasm]&gf_txt11= with the event.
6. The Portuguese people are really involved in Euro 2004 and full of &gf_txt10=[!|cope]&gf_txt9= our 'little country by the sea'.
5. A lot of people are worried about whether our services can &gf_txt8=[!|promote]&gf_txt7= the tickets for the games.
4. Of course it's important to &gf_txt6=[!|afford]&gf_txt5= the event.
3. Ordinary Portuguese people can't &gf_txt4=[!|broadcast]&gf_txt3= and eight new ones built.
2. Over a hundred TV stations will &gf_txt2=[!|renovated]&gf_txt1=1. Two stadiums have been &testo_pz=25&item_11=23|847|854||term&item_10=21|775|781||map&item_9=19|672|680||proud&item_8=17|608|619||cheapest&item_7=15|555|567||landscape&item_6=13|466|479||reputation&item_5=11|436|449||enthusiasm&item_4=9|340|347||cope&item_3=7|233|243||promote&item_2=5|164|173||afford&item_1=3|103|115||broadcast&item_0=1|27|39||renovated&nitem=12&