&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are the names of the 7 fairy stories, each repeated 3 times. Below are 3 examples of magic from each of them. Move each name down next to the example of magic it describes. In each case put the name labelled (1) next to the first example of magic, the name labelled (2) next to the second, and then the name labelled (3) next to the third. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&nitem=21&gf_txt43=&gf_txt42=[!|Sleeping Beauty (3)]&gf_txt41=
Some fairies changed a spell &gf_txt40=[!|Cinderella (3)]&gf_txt39=
Some animals were turned into other animals &gf_txt38=[!|The Pied-Piper (3)]&gf_txt37=
Magical music hypnotised children &gf_txt36=[!|The Pied-Piper (2)]&gf_txt35=
Magical music hypnotised animals &gf_txt34=[!|Cinderella (2)]&gf_txt33=
An animal was turned into a person &gf_txt32=[!|Puss in Boots (3)]&gf_txt31=
An animal talked &gf_txt30=[!|Snow White (3)]&gf_txt29=
A woman turned herself into someone else &gf_txt28=[!|Cinderella (1)]&gf_txt27=
A vegetable was turned into something else &gf_txt26=[!|Rumplestiltskin (3)]&gf_txt25=
A plant was turned into a metal &gf_txt24=[!|Jack and the Bean Stalk (3)]&gf_txt23=
A plant grew magically &gf_txt22=[!|Snow White (2)]&gf_txt21=
A piece of furniture talked &gf_txt20=[!|Jack and the Bean Stalk (2)]&gf_txt19=
A musical instrument played itself &gf_txt18=[!|Rumplestiltskin (2)]&gf_txt17=
A man did magic to get a child &gf_txt16=[!|Rumplestiltskin (1)]&gf_txt15=
A man did magic in exchange for some jewellery &gf_txt14=[!|The Pied-Piper (1)]&gf_txt13=
A hole magically appeared &gf_txt12=[!|Sleeping Beauty (2)]&gf_txt11=
A girl was sent to sleep by something sharp and awoken by a kiss &gf_txt10=[!|Snow White (1)]&gf_txt9=
A girl was sent to sleep by poison and awoken by a kiss &gf_txt8=[!|Sleeping Beauty (1)]&gf_txt7=
A fairy cast a bad spell on a baby &gf_txt6=[!|Puss in Boots (2)]&gf_txt5=
A creature turned itself into a small animal &gf_txt4=[!|Puss in Boots (1)]&gf_txt3=
A creature turned itself into a big animal &gf_txt2=[!|Jack and the Bean Stalk (1)]&gf_txt1=A bird laid golden eggs &item_20=41|1233|1255||Sleeping Beauty (3)&item_19=39|1184|1201||Cinderella (3)&item_18=37|1117|1138||The Pied-Piper (3)&item_17=35|1059|1080||The Pied-Piper (2)&item_16=33|1007|1024||Cinderella (2)&item_15=31|949|969||Puss in Boots (3)&item_14=29|913|930||Snow White (3)&item_13=27|853|870||Cinderella (1)&item_12=25|786|808||Rumplestiltskin (3)&item_11=23|724|752||Jack & the Bean Stalk (3)&item_10=21|682|699||Snow White (2)&item_9=19|624|652||Jack & the Bean Stalk (2)&item_8=17|564|586||Rumplestiltskin (2)&item_7=15|508|530||Rumplestiltskin (1)&item_6=13|437|458||The Pied-Piper (1)&item_5=11|387|409||Sleeping Beauty (2)&item_4=9|302|319||Snow White (1)&item_3=7|221|243||Sleeping Beauty (1)&item_2=5|164|184||Puss in Boots (2)&item_1=3|97|117||Puss in Boots (1)&item_0=1|24|52||Jack & the Bean Stalk (1)&testo_pz=43&