&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=The famous people below were all either born, or grew up, in Wales. Can you complete the information about them by dragging the words at the top into the gaps? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&nitem=10&gf_txt21= champion in 1991.&gf_txt20=[!|golf]&gf_txt19= of the USA.
Ian Woosnam: US Masters &gf_txt18=[!|lecture tour]&gf_txt17= on the BBCs famous comedy show, The Goons.
Dylan Thomas: poet whose most famous work was 'Under Milkwood' and who died young while on a &gf_txt16=[!|central character]&gf_txt15= in 1950.
Sir Harry Secombe: comedian who played Neddie Seagoon, the &gf_txt14=[!|Literature]&gf_txt13=.
Bertrand Russell: philosopher, mathematician and the Nobel Prize for &gf_txt12=[!|aircraft accident]&gf_txt11= as a teaching aid and re-introduced cremation to Britain.
Charles Rolls: co-founder of Rolls Royce cars, he was the first British person to die in an &gf_txt10=[!|times tables]&gf_txt9= in history.
Dr Richard Pryce: developer of the &gf_txt8=[!|rock songs]&gf_txt7=, prophet, and advisor to King Arthur.
Robert Plant: lead singer with the band Led Zeppelin, whose single "Stairway to Heaven" became one of the best-known &gf_txt6=[!|magician]&gf_txt5= of The Seven Pillars Of Wisdom (1927), best known as a guerrilla in the Middle East during World War I, and described by Winston Churchill as "one of the greatest beings alive in this time".
Merlin: legendary &gf_txt4=[!|author]&gf_txt3=.
Lawrence of Arabia: scholar, archaeologist, adventurer, military strategist, poet and the &gf_txt2=[!|European Commission]&gf_txt1=Neil Kinnock: leader of the UK Labour Party and Deputy President of the &item_9=19|1190|1197||golf&item_8=17|1137|1152||lecture tour&item_7=15|979|999||central character&item_6=13|896|909||Literature&item_5=11|804|824||aircraft accident&item_4=9|637|652||times tables&item_3=7|575|588||rock songs&item_2=5|407|418||magician&item_1=3|187|196||author&item_0=1|72|94||European Commission&testo_pz=21&