&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=5&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Below are 8 questions about this episode of the story. Decide whether each one is true or false. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&i8_dvalue=0&i8_cvalue=2&i8_txt=Titus' aunts have the idea of setting fire to the library. &i7_dvalue=0&i7_cvalue=1&i7_txt=Titus' aunts trust Steerpike. &i6_dvalue=0&i6_cvalue=1&i6_txt=Steerpike starts to work for Prunesquallor. &i5_dvalue=0&i5_cvalue=1&i5_txt=Flay is a good servant. &i4_dvalue=0&i4_cvalue=2&i4_txt=Swelter is a monster. &i3_dvalue=0&i3_cvalue=1&i3_txt=Steerpike wants to improve his situation. &i2_dvalue=0&i2_cvalue=2&i2_txt=The castle is in good condition. &i1_dvalue=0&i1_cvalue=1&i1_txt=The family are locked in the castle. &opt2=False&opt1=True&nitem=8&