&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Here is a summary of the story. There are some words missing - can you type them in? When you have finished, click on"submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt19=. What should they do next?&gf_txt18=[!|diary]&gf_txt17= and they get on very well. Corinne feels very confused about the situation and writes about it in her &gf_txt16=[!|Corinne]&gf_txt15=, and that she already has a boyfriend. Later, Ray meets &gf_txt14=[!|out]&gf_txt13=, and Anto starts to see Corinne without Alicia. Corinne is attracted to Anto but she knows that Alicia and Anto are going &gf_txt12=[!|well]&gf_txt11= called Anto. Corinne and Anto get on very &gf_txt10=[!|boyfriend]&gf_txt9= called Alicia. Alicia has an older, good-looking &gf_txt8=[!|school]&gf_txt7=, but she meets a beautiful, popular girl at &gf_txt6=[!|friends]&gf_txt5= so they can't see each other very often. Corinne is very shy and doesn't have many &gf_txt4=[!|London]&gf_txt3= Ray still lives in South &gf_txt2=[!|boyfriend]&gf_txt1=Corinne has just moved to North London. Her &testo_pz=19&item_8=17|658|666||diary&item_7=15|544|554||Corinne&item_6=13|480|486||out&item_5=11|349|356||well&item_4=9|293|305||boyfriend&item_3=7|233|242||school&item_2=5|177|187||friends&item_1=3|83|92||London&item_0=1|44|56||boyfriend&nitem=9&