&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 16 words from the text. Below are sentences which contain these words. Complete the sentences with the correct words. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt33= people to make their lives better.&gf_txt32=[!|encourages]&gf_txt31= the money.
10. The Grameen system &gf_txt30=[!|repay]&gf_txt29= from the rest of the group to &gf_txt28=[!|peer pressure]&gf_txt27= are women.
9. There is &gf_txt26=[!|borrowers]&gf_txt25=.
8. The majority of Grameen &gf_txt24=[!|loan]&gf_txt23= more money if they don't pay back the first &gf_txt22=[!|borrow]&gf_txt21= over a year.
7. People can't &gf_txt20=[!|repayments]&gf_txt19= people to make small &gf_txt18=[!|allows]&gf_txt17= to lending money.
6. The Grameen bank &gf_txt16=[!|approach]&gf_txt15=.
5. The Grameen bank started a new &gf_txt14=[!|collateral]&gf_txt13= money to poor people because they don't have any &gf_txt12=[!|lend]&gf_txt11= all of it back.
4. Conventional banks don't want to &gf_txt10=[!|paid]&gf_txt9= twenty-seven dollars to the people in the village and they &gf_txt8=[!|lent]&gf_txt7= to buy bamboo to make her stools.
3. Yunus &gf_txt6=[!|afford]&gf_txt5=.
2. The woman that Yunus met couldn't &gf_txt4=[!|poverty]&gf_txt3= to break free of the cycle of &gf_txt2=[!|poor]&gf_txt1=1. It's difficult for the &testo_pz=33&item_15=31|763|776||encourages&item_14=29|718|726||repay&item_13=27|670|686||peer pressure&item_12=25|632|644||borrowers&item_11=23|594|601||loan&item_10=21|539|548||borrow&item_9=19|494|507||repayments&item_8=17|462|471||allows&item_7=15|410|421||approach&item_6=13|359|372||collateral&item_5=11|301|308||lend&item_4=9|239|246||paid&item_3=7|171|178||lent&item_2=5|117|126||afford&item_1=3|66|76||poverty&item_0=1|27|34||poor&nitem=16&