&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=In the first box are 16 words from the poem. Below are the definitions of these words. Drag the words into the gaps at the end of each definition. When you have finished click "Submit" to check your answers. If you need further help, click on the link to the dictionary. There are no hints or other help for this activity.&gf_txt33=&gf_txt32=[!|withered]&gf_txt31=
(16) weak and dry and decayed &gf_txt30=[!|pores]&gf_txt29=
(15) very small holes in the skin of people or other animals &gf_txt28=[!|strive]&gf_txt27=
(14) to try very hard to do something or make something happen, esp. for a long time or against difficulties &gf_txt26=[!|tread]&gf_txt25=
(13) the sound that your feet make on the ground as you walk &gf_txt24=[!|chieftain]&gf_txt23=
(12) the leader of a tribe &gf_txt22=[!|tripe]&gf_txt21=
(11) the covering of the inside of the stomach of an animal such as a cow or sheep used for food &gf_txt20=[!|disgust]&gf_txt19=
(10) strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation or person's behaviour, etc. &gf_txt18=[!|resounds]&gf_txt17=
(9) sounds loudly or for a long time, or (of a place) is filled with sound &gf_txt16=[!|grateful]&gf_txt15=
(8) showing or expressing thanks, esp. to another person &gf_txt14=[!|ditch]&gf_txt13=
(7) long narrow open channel dug into the ground usually at the side of a road or field, which is used esp. for supplying or removing water, or for dividing land &gf_txt12=[!|swollen]&gf_txt11=
(6) larger than usual &gf_txt10=[!|gushing]&gf_txt9=
(5) flowing or sending out quickly and in large amounts &gf_txt8=[!|sneering]&gf_txt7=
(4) expressing or showing in your facial expression a very strong lack of respect (for someone or something you consider to be of little value or interest), esp. in a way that is unkind and rude &gf_txt6=[!|splashes]&gf_txt5=
(3) causes (an amount of liquid) to move through the air, usually with a loud noise, by hitting it, moving through it, or throwing it &gf_txt4=[!|whiplash]&gf_txt3=
(2) a neck injury caused by a sudden forward movement of the upper body, &gf_txt2=[!|platter]&gf_txt1=(1) a large plate used for serving food &testo_pz=33&item_15=31|1467|1478||withered&item_14=29|1427|1435||pores&item_13=27|1355|1364||strive&item_12=25|1236|1244||tread&item_11=23|1161|1173||chieftain&item_10=21|1124|1132||tripe&item_9=19|1015|1025||disgust&item_8=17|912|923||resounds&item_7=15|824|835||grateful&item_6=13|757|765||ditch&item_5=11|583|593||swollen&item_4=9|549|559||gushing&item_3=7|480|491||sneering&item_2=5|272|283||splashes&item_1=3|125|136||whiplash&item_0=1|40|50||platter&nitem=16&