&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=6&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the bottom are the names of 8 different types of places where people live. At the top are the definitions of these places. Can you match the places and their definitions? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&nitem=8&i8_testo=a house that is joined to another similar house on only one side&i8_cvalue=8&dz8=semi-detached house&i7_testo=a house that is not connected to any other building&i7_cvalue=7&dz7=detached house&i6_testo=a small house, usually in the countryside&i6_cvalue=6&dz6=cottage&i5_testo=a house that has only one storey&i5_cvalue=5&dz5=bungalow&i4_testo=a large building that is divided into apartments &i4_cvalue=4&dz4=apartment block&i3_testo=a row of often small houses joined together along their side walls&i3_cvalue=3&dz3=terraced house&i2_testo=the main house on a farm where the farmer lives &i2_cvalue=2&dz2=farmhouse&i1_testo=a very large expensive house&i1_cvalue=1&dz1=mansion&dimitem=2&ndropzone=8&