&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=3&thre=1&trmo=1&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Below are 5 questions about the text. For each one, select the best answer. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&i5_risposta3=People can read Ernest Hemingway's books instead&i5_risposta2=Men don't need an outlet for their aggression&i5_risposta1=Agriculture gives people all of the food they need&i5_nrisposte=3&i5_domanda=Why is hunting in developed countries now unnecessary, according to the writer?&i5_dvalue=0&i5_cvalue=1&i4_risposta3=they don't seriously affect the overall numbers of the species they hunt&i4_risposta2=hunting is one of the male's primary functions in life&i4_risposta1=hunting is vital to their survival&i4_nrisposte=3&i4_domanda=What do hunters in Britain have in common with rainforest inhabitants?&i4_dvalue=0&i4_cvalue=3&i3_risposta3=they must maintain an important country tradition&i3_risposta2=local unemployment would be seriously affected if they didn't&i3_risposta1=the animals provide food for local people&i3_nrisposte=3&i3_domanda=Which one of these arguments is not used in favour of fox-hunting in Britain?&i3_dvalue=0&i3_cvalue=1&i2_risposta3=the writer used to live in the country&i2_risposta2=the writer still lives in the country&i2_risposta1=the writer has never lived in the country&nitem=5&i2_dvalue=0&i2_cvalue=3&i2_nrisposte=3&i2_domanda=Which of these statements is true?&i1_dvalue=0&i1_cvalue=2&i1_risposta3=he is neutral&i1_risposta2=he is against it&i1_risposta1=he supports it&i1_nrisposte=3&i1_domanda=What is the writer's opinion of hunting? &