&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 11 numbers from the text. Below are 11 questions about the text. Drag the numbers into the gaps at the end of each question. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers. &nitem=11&gf_txt23=&gf_txt22=[!|20,000]&gf_txt21= (on the Richter scale)
11. What was the unofficial estimate of the death toll? &gf_txt20=[!|8.1]&gf_txt19=
10. What was the strength of the earthquake? &gf_txt18=[!|7,000]&gf_txt17=
9. What was the official estimate of the death toll? &gf_txt16=[!|30,000]&gf_txt15=
8. What was the estimate of the number of people made homeless &gf_txt14=[!|15,000]&gf_txt13= (kilometres)
7. What was the estimate of the number of people injured? &gf_txt12=[!|320]&gf_txt11=
6. What was the distance of the epicentre from Mexico City? &gf_txt10=[!|10,000]&gf_txt9=
5. How many soldiers were deployed to stop people stealing things? &gf_txt8=[!|50,000]&gf_txt7=
4. How many rescue workers were mobilized? &gf_txt6=[!|400]&gf_txt5=
3. How many buildings were to be demolished? &gf_txt4=[!|43]&gf_txt3= (square miles)
2. How many babies were saved from where they had recently been born? &gf_txt2=[!|310,000]&gf_txt1=1. How big was the area affected by the earthquake? &item_10=21|760|769||20,000&item_9=19|673|679||8.1&item_8=17|618|626||7,000&item_7=15|554|563||30,000&item_6=13|480|489||15,000&item_5=11|401|407||320&item_4=9|330|339||10,000&item_3=7|252|261||50,000&item_2=5|201|207||400&item_1=3|149|154||43&item_0=1|52|62||310,000&testo_pz=23&