&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Drag the words from the top into the spaces below to complete the text. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt15= to the scheme.&gf_txt14=[!|admitted]&gf_txt13= and assessed. The country coordinators and the British Council will decide by August who will be &gf_txt12=[!|carried out]&gf_txt11= should be sent to Manchester in March saying why the research is important and how it will be &gf_txt10=[!|proposal]&gf_txt9= by the UK. A &gf_txt8=[!|awarded]&gf_txt7= must be currently doing or have completed a PhD. The research must be a priority for both countries and should be coordinated by a senior scientist in each country. The money provided by the collaborating country should be the same as that &gf_txt6=[!|eligible]&gf_txt5=research for up to three years in the UK or in the collaborating country. Those &gf_txt4=[!|fund]&gf_txt3= collaboration between scientists from the United Kingdom and other countries. It can provide a maximum of £10,000 to &gf_txt2=[!|promote]&gf_txt1=The INYS exists to &testo_pz=15&item_6=13|735|746||admitted&item_5=11|622|636||carried out&item_4=9|515|526||proposal&item_3=7|489|499||awarded&item_2=5|236|247||eligible&item_1=3|148|155||fund&item_0=1|19|29||promote&nitem=7&