&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=In each sentence type one of the following words into the blank: lie / lied / lay / lain /laid. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers. There is no help or hints for this activity.&gf_txt19= the baby in his cot.

&gf_txt18=[!|laid]&gf_txt17= to the court.

She gently &gf_txt16=[!|lied]&gf_txt15= in this place since the ice age.

It seems that the witness has &gf_txt14=[!|lain]&gf_txt13= if she thinks it will help her escape.

These stones have &gf_txt12=[!|lie]&gf_txt11= on her bed for a while after lunch.

She will &gf_txt10=[!|lay]&gf_txt9= the table for dinner each evening.

Grandma &gf_txt8=[!|lays]&gf_txt7= back in the chair and relax", said the dentist.

Little Julia &gf_txt6=[!|lie]&gf_txt5= to me, Johnny - I'm going to punish you!

"Just &gf_txt4=[!|lied]&gf_txt3= six eggs!

You &gf_txt2=[!|laid]&gf_txt1=Look Dad! The hens have &testo_pz=19&item_8=17|456|463||laid&item_7=15|421|428||lied&item_6=13|348|355||lain&item_5=11|282|288||lie&item_4=9|228|234||lay&item_3=7|175|182||lays&item_2=5|105|111||lie&item_1=3|48|55||lied&item_0=1|24|31||laid&nitem=9&