&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Complete the sentences at the bottom by placing in them the correct word or phrase from the top. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt13= a few years ago to make one single department.
&gf_txt12=[!|merged]&gf_txt11= new products for us.
6.The marketing and sales departments were &gf_txt10=[!|invent]&gf_txt9= our image and values to project a more relevant brand for the 21st century.
5. Our research and development department basically &gf_txt8=[!|reinterpret]&gf_txt7= until late 2008, or perhaps 2009.
4. Our creative thinking department has decided that we need to &gf_txt6=[!|be operational]&gf_txt5=.
3. Looking at the project planning document for 2008, we can see that all programmes will not &gf_txt4=[!|having a bad day]&gf_txt3= the recruitment policy for next year, so expect some major changes.
2. I'm feeling really miserable, I don't know why. So many problems. I'm really &gf_txt2=[!|restructuring]&gf_txt1=1. Human Resources have decided that we will be &testo_pz=13&item_5=11|670|679||merged&item_4=9|595|604||invent&item_3=7|450|464||reinterpret&item_2=5|332|349||be operational&item_1=3|216|235||having a bad day&item_0=1|48|64||restructuring&nitem=6&