&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the bottom are six sentences with blanks. At the top are words and phrases to fill the blanks. Can you put the words in the right spaces? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt25= a nightmare.&gf_txt24=[!|had been having]&gf_txt23= screaming because he &gf_txt22=[!|woke up]&gf_txt21= birth to puppies.
6. The child &gf_txt20=[!|gave]&gf_txt19= the dog for three years when it &gf_txt18=[!|had owned]&gf_txt17=.
5. She &gf_txt16=[!|gave up]&gf_txt15= for 20 years when he &gf_txt14=[!|had smoked]&gf_txt13= time.
4. He &gf_txt12=[!|didn't have]&gf_txt11= to read the report but just &gf_txt10=[!|had planned]&gf_txt9= a job.
3. I &gf_txt8=[!|found]&gf_txt7= in London for just a week when I &gf_txt6=[!|had been living]&gf_txt5=.
2. I &gf_txt4=[!|rang]&gf_txt3= for more than an hour when the phone finally &gf_txt2=[!|had been waiting]&gf_txt1=1. I &testo_pz=25&item_11=23|413|431||had been having&item_10=21|380|390||woke up&item_9=19|339|346||gave&item_8=17|293|305||had owned&item_7=15|272|282||gave up&item_6=13|236|249||had smoked&item_5=11|207|221||didn't have&item_4=9|163|177||had planned&item_3=7|140|148||found&item_2=5|87|105||had been living&item_1=3|71|78||rang&item_0=1|5|24||had been waiting&nitem=12&