&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=6&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 15 sentences. Below are 15 different meanings of phrasal verbs with give + away, give + in and give + out. Can you match the sentences and definitions? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answer.&nitem=15&i15_testo=The winners' names were given out on the radio last night.&i15_cvalue=15&dz15=to tell people information &i14_testo=I've said I'll give out leaflets for them in town.&i14_cvalue=14&dz14=to give something to a large number of people &i13_testo=Is that radiator giving out any heat?&i13_cvalue=13&dz13=to produce light, heat, or a gas &i12_testo=He gave out a low moan.&i12_cvalue=12&dz12=to make a sound &i11_testo=The trail gave out half way around the lake. &i11_cvalue=11&dz11=(of a road or path) to end at a particular place &i10_testo=It was on the twenty-first mile that my legs gave out.&i10_cvalue=10&dz10=to stop working because (something) is old, damaged, or has been used too much&i9_testo=The food supplies will give out by the end of the week.&i9_cvalue=9&dz9=(of a supply of something) to finish and there is none left &i8_testo=Certainly he felt the pull of self-pity, but he never once gave in to it.&i8_cvalue=8&dz8=to stop trying not to feel an emotion or desire and allow your actions to be controlled by it&i7_testo=Have you given in your essay yet?&i7_cvalue=7&dz7=to give a piece of written work or a document to someone for them to read, judge, or deal with &i6_testo=She knew she'd lost the argument but she wouldn't give in.&i6_cvalue=6&dz6=to accept that you have been defeated and agree to stop competing or fighting &i5_testo=He nagged me so much to buy him a new bike that eventually I just gave in.&i5_cvalue=5&dz5=to finally agree to what someone wants after a period when you refuse to agree &i4_testo=Her first child, born when she was 17, was given away at birth.&i4_cvalue=4&dz4=to give a baby to someone so they can look after him/her as their own until he or she is an adult &i3_testo=The bride's father usually gives her away.&i3_cvalue=3&dz3=to formally bring a woman who is getting married to her husband at the front of a church&i2_testo=His voice seems quite calm but his trembling hands give him away.&i2_cvalue=2&dz2=Accidently let someone know something about yourself that you were trying to keep secret &i1_testo=We're giving away free shampoo samples as a promotion&i1_cvalue=1&dz1= to give something to someone without asking for payment &dimitem=2&ndropzone=15&