&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Look at each of these sentences from the story and decide if the verb in brackets takes the "to ----" form or the "---ing" form, e.g. "to do" or "doing". Click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt19= the world.&gf_txt18=[!|to change]&gf_txt17=.
9. He felt he was able &gf_txt16=[!|to do]&gf_txt15= it.
8. The Doctor knew exactly what &gf_txt14=[!|to change]&gf_txt13= the Doctor.
7. He wanted &gf_txt12=[!|to find]&gf_txt11= their DNA
6. People still managed &gf_txt10=[!|to change]&gf_txt9= the work of science and progress
5. People wanted &gf_txt8=[!|to do]&gf_txt7= the effects of progress.
4. The Doctor was continuing &gf_txt6=[!|to ignore]&gf_txt5= anything.
3. It was stupid &gf_txt4=[!|to change]&gf_txt3= them stronger
2. It was impossible &gf_txt2=[!|to make]&gf_txt1=1. People changed their DNA &testo_pz=19&item_8=17|413|425||to change&item_7=15|379|387||to do&item_6=13|329|341||to change&item_5=11|292|302||to find&item_4=9|244|256||to change&item_3=7|184|192||to do&item_2=5|116|128||to ignore&item_1=3|75|87||to change&item_0=1|28|38||to make&nitem=9&