&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=A government is a group of people that rule a country. A government manages the economy and public services. A party is a political organisation whose members have similar ideas and beliefs. Below are some more words related to politics. Can you put the words in the right spaces? Click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt19=.&gf_txt18=[!|parties]&gf_txt17= is a government made up of two or more &gf_txt16=[!|coalition]&gf_txt15=.
A &gf_txt14=[!|election]&gf_txt13= is a group of the most senior ministers.
People vote to choose their representatives in an &gf_txt12=[!|Cabinet]&gf_txt11=.
The &gf_txt10=[!|department]&gf_txt9= is a person who is in charge of a government &gf_txt8=[!|minister]&gf_txt7= or parties who are in parliament but not in the government.
A &gf_txt6=[!|politicians]&gf_txt5= are &gf_txt4=[!|opposition]&gf_txt3= is the group of people who make or change laws.
The &gf_txt2=[!|parliament]&gf_txt1=A &testo_pz=19&item_8=17|416|426||parties&item_7=15|363|375||coalition&item_6=13|347|358||election&item_5=11|244|254||Cabinet&item_4=9|224|237||department&item_3=7|166|177||minister&item_2=5|88|102||politicians&item_1=3|69|82||opposition&item_0=1|2|15||parliament&nitem=9&