&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Insert the expressions from the top into the correct gaps below. Click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt21= impressed by Italian football, but this time I was.&gf_txt20=[!|not usually]&gf_txt19= seeing referees in yellow shirts.
10. I'm &gf_txt18=[!|get used to]&gf_txt17= earn as much as they do now.
9. I'll never &gf_txt16=[!|didn't use to]&gf_txt15= having his photo taken by paparazzi.
8. Fifty years ago, players &gf_txt14=[!|is used to]&gf_txt13= play in defence.
7. Ronaldo &gf_txt12=[!|doesn't usually]&gf_txt11= sing at games?
6. Ronaldinho &gf_txt10=[!|usually]&gf_txt9= eating English food.
5. Do English fans &gf_txt8=[!|got used to]&gf_txt7= playing at centre-back.
4. After two years in England, Cristiano Ronaldo has &gf_txt6=[!|wasn't used to]&gf_txt5= played in the evening.
3. The striker had difficulties because he &gf_txt4=[!|are usually]&gf_txt3= play for Chelsea; now he plays for Barcelona.
2. Cup replays &gf_txt2=[!|used to]&gf_txt1=1. Gudjohnsen &testo_pz=21&item_9=19|609|623||not usually&item_8=17|551|565||get used to&item_7=15|490|506||didn't use to&item_6=13|410|423||is used to&item_5=11|362|380||doesn't usually&item_4=9|321|331||usually&item_3=7|265|279||got used to&item_2=5|169|186||wasn't used to&item_1=3|87|101||are usually&item_0=1|14|24||used to&nitem=10&