&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Complete the words (from the text) according to the definitions. The first letter of each is given. Click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt21=&gf_txt20=[!|ound]&gf_txt19=
10. a stage of a knock-out competition = r&gf_txt18=[!|ggravate]&gf_txt17=
9. to make something worse than it was = a&gf_txt16=[!|ack]&gf_txt15=
8. to dismiss someone from their job = s&gf_txt14=[!|truggle ]&gf_txt13=
7. a big effort to do a difficult thing = s&gf_txt12=[!|rag]&gf_txt11=
6. to pull something that's heavy or difficult = d&gf_txt10=[!|ismal]&gf_txt9=
5. miserable = d&gf_txt8=[!|lames]&gf_txt7=
4. the orange/yellow/blue things you see in a fire = f&gf_txt6=[!|rip]&gf_txt5=
3. to make a player fall over by putting your foot in front of his feet = t&gf_txt4=[!|potlight]&gf_txt3=
2. a bright light in the theatre = s&gf_txt2=[!|live]&gf_txt1=1. not dead = a&testo_pz=21&item_9=19|506|513||ound&item_8=17|451|462||ggravate&item_7=15|401|407||ack&item_6=13|348|359||truggle &item_5=11|296|302||rag&item_4=9|236|244||ismal&item_3=7|210|218||lames&item_2=5|148|154||rip&item_1=3|60|71||potlight&item_0=1|15|22||live&nitem=10&