&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Drag the conjunctions/markers from the top into the gaps below to complete the sentences. Click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt17= gain at least that much from their survival.&gf_txt16=[!|no doubt]&gf_txt15= the relegation.
8. West Ham will &gf_txt14=[!|because of]&gf_txt13= another club has not."
7. He said that his club stands to lose an estimated £50 million &gf_txt12=[!|whereas]&gf_txt11=, be the end of the story.
6. "We have played to the rules of the Football League, &gf_txt10=[!|however]&gf_txt9=, it was seven wins out of the last nine games.
5. That may not, &gf_txt8=[!|then]&gf_txt7= United put some of their stars on the subs' bench, it was always going to be difficult for West Ham.
4. In the end, &gf_txt6=[!|Although]&gf_txt5= a straight contest to avoid being the third relegated club.
3. &gf_txt4=[!|therefore]&gf_txt3= the title had been decided a week before, most of the drama was happening at the foot of the table.
2. It was &gf_txt2=[!|As]&gf_txt1=1. &testo_pz=17&item_7=15|641|652||no doubt&item_6=13|593|606||because of&item_5=11|493|503||whereas&item_4=9|399|409||however&item_3=7|326|333||then&item_2=5|197|208||Although&item_1=3|120|132||therefore&item_0=1|3|8||As&nitem=8&