&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Below is a short text on the Euro currency. There are 10 verbs missing - can you type in the correct words? Choose from the following verbs (you will need to change their form!).
begin exist sign trade be adopt use see include link
When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.
&nitem=10&gf_txt21= in Euros since 1 January 1999.&gf_txt20=[!|have been trading]&gf_txt19= as an electronic currency for some time. Banks and big businesses &gf_txt18=[!|has been used]&gf_txt17= around for a number of years. It was first adopted at a meeting of the European Council in Madrid in 1995. As a cash currency the Euro is new, but it &gf_txt16=[!|has been]&gf_txt15= the 1991 Maastricht treaty which set up a single European currency. The name "Euro" &gf_txt14=[!|have included]&gf_txt13=. Other important changes &gf_txt12=[!|was signed]&gf_txt11= since 1957 when the treaty of Rome &gf_txt10=[!|has existed]&gf_txt9= to the history of the European Union, which &gf_txt8=[!|linked]&gf_txt7= to do their shopping with notes and coins they had never used before. Yet the Euro is a lot older than you might think. As its name suggests, the Euro is closely &gf_txt6=[!|began]&gf_txt5=. 300 million people in the European zone &gf_txt4=[!|seen]&gf_txt3= the Euros as their currency in January 2002, it was the largest monetary changeover the world has ever &gf_txt2=[!|adopted]&gf_txt1=When twelve European countries &item_9=19|863|883||have been trading&item_8=17|779|795||has been used&item_7=15|616|627||has been&item_6=13|514|530||have included&item_5=11|474|487||was signed&item_4=9|423|437||has existed&item_3=7|368|377||linked&item_2=5|196|204||began&item_1=3|146|153||seen&item_0=1|31|41||adopted&testo_pz=21&