&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Type"for", "of" or "to" into each of the gaps in the sentences below. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt25= modern people.&gf_txt24=[!|for]&gf_txt23= talk about natural resources.
12. Bucky is a model &gf_txt22=[!|to]&gf_txt21= example.
11. He was one of the first people &gf_txt20=[!|for]&gf_txt19=his word.
10. He was optimistic about improving literacy rates, &gf_txt18=[!|to]&gf_txt17= a mass-produced home.
9. He was true &gf_txt16=[!|for]&gf_txt15= some reason, the factory was never built.
8. He designed the prototype &gf_txt14=[!|for]&gf_txt13= the maximum.
7. But &gf_txt12=[!|to]&gf_txt11= humanity.
6. He used his talents &gf_txt10=[!|of]&gf_txt9= all, he stopped talking.
5. He only worked in the service &gf_txt8=[!|of]&gf_txt7= killing himself.
4. First &gf_txt6=[!|of]&gf_txt5= other people's rules.
3. He changed his philosophy instead &gf_txt4=[!|to]&gf_txt3= his family.
2. He stopping living according &gf_txt2=[!|for]&gf_txt1=1. He had to provide &testo_pz=25&item_11=23|610|616||for&item_10=21|551|556||to&item_9=19|499|505||for&item_8=17|429|434||to&item_7=15|384|390||for&item_6=13|305|311||for&item_5=11|277|282||to&item_4=9|237|242||of&item_3=7|172|177||of&item_2=5|139|144||of&item_1=3|73|78||to&item_0=1|21|27||for&nitem=12&