&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Can you type in the correct vocabulary items into the sentences below - all taken from the first set of quotes? When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&nitem=10&gf_txt21=&gf_txt20=[!|dynamism]&gf_txt19=
10. In 'Bangladesh' find a word or phrase that means 'the state of having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm, the state of being energetic and forceful' &gf_txt18=[!|deeply rooted]&gf_txt17=
9. In 'Korea' find a word or phrase that means ' very strong and so much a part of something else that it can not be changed or got rid of' &gf_txt16=[!|ideologies]&gf_txt15=
8. In 'Korea' find a word or phrase that means 'theories, or sets of beliefs or principles, esp. one on which a political system, party or organization is based' &gf_txt14=[!|underlying]&gf_txt13=
7. In 'Korea' find a word or phrase that means 'being the cause of or strong influence on (something)' &gf_txt12=[!|further education]&gf_txt11=
6. In 'Kenya' find a word or phrase that means 'university-level instruction' &gf_txt10=[!|discrimination]&gf_txt9=
5. In 'Japan' find a word or phrase that means 'the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, esp. in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, religion, sex,etc.' &gf_txt8=[!|exceptional]&gf_txt7=
4. In 'Hungary' find a word or phrase that means 'much greater than usual, esp. in skill, cleverness, quality, etc. &gf_txt6=[!|irony]&gf_txt5=
3. In 'Hungary' find a word or phrase that means 'a means of expression which suggests (humorously or angrily) a different meaning for the words used' &gf_txt4=[!|liveliness]&gf_txt3=
2. In 'Italy' find a word or phrase that means 'the state of having or showing a lot of energy and enthusiasm' &gf_txt2=[!|impression]&gf_txt1=1. In 'UAE' find a word or phrase that means 'an idea or opinion of what something is like' &item_9=19|1479|1490||dynamism&item_8=17|1313|1329||deeply rooted&item_7=15|1158|1171||ideologies&item_6=13|981|994||underlying&item_5=11|856|876||further education&item_4=9|759|776||discrimination&item_3=7|510|524||exceptional&item_2=5|384|392||irony&item_1=3|218|231||liveliness&item_0=1|92|105||impression&testo_pz=21&